Inspiring and Informing all mankind!

Inspiring and Informing all mankind!
Inspirational Passages
"Oh, that You  would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your hand would be with me,
and that You would keep me from evil!"
Calandra's Favorite Prayer...
The Prayer of Jabez
Love is patient,
Love is kind,
and envies no one,
Love is never boastful, nor
conceited, nor rude; never selfish
not quick to take offense.
Love keeps no score of wrongs;
does not gloat over another's sins,
but delights in the truth.
there is nothing love cannot face,
there is no limit to its faith,
its hope and its endurance.
In a word there are three
things that last forever
Faith, Hope and Love,
but the greatest of them all is

1 Corinthians 13
Who's Watching...

Watch you thoughts;
They become your words.
Watch your words;
They become your actions.
Watch your actions;
They become habits.
Watch your habits;
They become your character.
Watch your character;
It becomes your destiny!
The Gift Of Friendship
Friendship is a priceless gift
that cannot be bought or sold..
But it's value is far greater
than gold.
For Gold is cold and lifeless
it can neither see nor hear
and in the time of trouble it
is powerless to cheer.
It has no ears to listen
no heart to understand,
it cannot bring you comfort
or reach out a helping hand.
So When you ask GOD for a gift
Be thankful if He sends, not
     diamonds, pearls or riches
But the love of Real True Friends.
Your Life is the piece
that equips you
to have a goal.
Your Goal is the piece
that will equip you
with confidence.
Your Confidence
is the piece
that will give you
Your Persistence is the piece
that will ensure your success.

Happy Moments?  Praise God!  Difficult Moments?  Seek God!  Quiet Moments?  Worship God!  Painful Moments?  Trust God!  Every Moment?  Thank God!!
Today will be a wonderful day
I shall meet people I like
and who like me.
I shall see many new opportunities
to advance my interest.
Money will come to me from sources
I am healthy and happy.
I now put my thoughts in order and
refuse to be disturbed by external conditions.
My work will be easier and more pleasant, because I am evolving through my job to something better.
I see that which is only beautiful and good.
I refuse to be involved in quarreling, confusion and discord.
I refuse to gossip and demean myself by uttering negative words or obscene language.  I control my temper and tonque.
I now accept the fact that I am one with the eternal and I will act in a dignified, gracious and loving manner all day long...

Calandra's Favorite Poem.